Second Chance Sober Living
rules and online Application
All terms of this agreement are in effect for the next 30 days.
Rent is due on Friday by 6 pm, rent is 185.00 per week.
If rent is not current after 30 days you will continue 30-day restrictions.
Curfew for intake status is 8pm, Level 1 930pm, and Level 2 is 12midnight.
No overnight passes for 30 days.
& Sign-out sheet for at least 90 days.
Kindness, tolerance and understanding will be expected by all House tenants at all times. Any conflicts should be resolved immediately, first with the individual tenant, and with the assistance of staff, if needed.
Name calling, back-stabbing, gossiping, negativity about or toward another will not be allowed. This will include blaming others, bad-mouthing others, criticizing, judging, and causing others to take the blame for something they did not directly do.
Support, help, and encouragement will be given to each tenant by all other tenants at all times.
If any tenant has reason to believe that another tenant is using, this must be brought to the attention of staff immediately. Someone’s life may depend on this.
Those without a job and not current on rent will be out looking for work by 8:00am until 3pm every day except Sunday.
Those who come in indigent with no job will be required to work at Day Labor until fees are current.
Every tenant will attend 5 (five) meetings per week minimum.
Tenants will contact their Sponsor every day.
Smoking Cigarettes and Vape is Never permitted inside the house.
Taking another’s food is stealing. Food is an individual responsibility.
House cleaning is to be done weekly by all members. We do implement a chore list that will be checked daily. Dishwashing is an individual responsibility, and should be cleaned immediately after use.